Mom Gives 5-Year-Old Daughter "Sleep Gummy"... Ex EXPLODES! 😱💊

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Diply | Diply

🌙 Hey there, sleepyheads! 😴 Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into the world of a single mom (26F) and her adorable little insomniac (5F). 🎢 This momma bear has been through it all, from popping Ambien pills 💊 to chugging coffee ☕ just to keep up with her little night owl. 🦉 But when a magic sleep gummy 🍬 enters the picture, things start looking up... until deadbeat dad (29M) decides to stir up some drama! 🍿 Buckle up, buttercup, because this story is about to get juicy! 🍹

🌙 Mommy's Little Insomniac 😴

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

💊 Ambien Ain't an Option 🚫

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

🛌 Tried Every Trick in the Book 📚

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

👩‍⚕️ Doc's Orders: Melatonin Magic 🌟

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

😊 Bye-Bye Dark Circles, Hello Happy Kid! 🎉

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

😡 Enter the Deadbeat Dad 💸

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

📺 Daddy's House of Chaos 🤪

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

🤬 Co-Parenting Catastrophe 💔

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

🍬 Spilling the Beans on Sleep Gummies 🛌

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

👩‍⚖️ Mama Bear Lays Down the Law 🐻

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

💰 Deadbeat Dad's Ulterior Motives 🙄

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

🩺 Following Doctor's Orders 👩‍⚕️

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

😔 Mommy's Moment of Doubt 🤔

missmegzy106 | missmegzy106

🍬 Sleep Gummies Save the Day... Or Do They? 🤔

Well, well, well... looks like our supermom's 🦸‍♀️ decision to give her little one a melatonin gummy 🍬 has caused quite the stir! 🌪️ Thanks to doc's orders 👩‍⚕️, the kiddo is finally catching some Zzz's 💤, but daddy dearest 😡 is throwing a fit! 🤬 He's screaming about drugging the child 😱, opening CPS cases 📂, and trying to snatch legal custody 👩‍⚖️... all while being $8k in arrears! 💸 The audacity! 😤 But let's be real, folks... is mommy really the a-hole for following medical advice and putting her daughter's well-being first? 🤷‍♀️ The internet has spoken, and the verdict is in! 🗳️ Let's see what the masses have to say about this sleep gummy saga! 🍿

Following doctor's orders and doing no harm. CPS-proof parenting.

thebraburner | thebraburner

Ex-husband causing trouble after mom follows doctor's orders 😠

kikanjuuhikikomori | kikanjuuhikikomori

Melatonin is safe and recommended by doctor, NTA in this situation.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment defends mother's use of sleep gummies for child. 👍

TheCrystalClover | TheCrystalClover

Relief and support for a mom's sleep gummy decision.

hfarrands | hfarrands

Fight for your child's sleep, it's important for their future 💊

imadoggomom | imadoggomom

Melatonin is treated like candy in the US 🎤, dad has no case 👍

spartaxwarrior | spartaxwarrior

Mom defends giving sleep aid to daughter against ex's accusations.

mikokat | mikokat

NTA uses sarcasm to suggest a clever solution. 😉

Elfich47 | Elfich47

Mother defends giving daughter sleep gummy, father opposes. NTA.

AcaiBerryGreenTea | AcaiBerryGreenTea

Defending the mom and questioning the father's neglect. NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Following pediatrician's advice is NTA; father's lawsuit is ridiculous 👍

Inksinger | Inksinger

User defends OP, suggests getting a lawyer. NTA 👍

ebtorres | ebtorres

Mom gets support for giving daughter sleep aid with doctor's recommendation.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Natural sleep aid under supervision, NTA. Angry ex overreacts 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

Melatonin gummies help, but beware of brushing after. NTA!

oskibeer | oskibeer

Concern for daughter's safety during visitation with explosive ex.

insomniac29 | insomniac29

Protective parent willing to fight for child's well-being. ✊

safvje | safvje

Insomniac mom accused of endangerment seeks legal advice, not validation. NTA.

blonde-bandit | blonde-bandit

Melatonin is natural, NTA. Watch for changes in future. 👍

ash-on-fire | ash-on-fire

Melatonin gummies are not drugs, it's like giving vitamins 🍎

sweetfirechicken | sweetfirechicken

Supportive comment, defending the mother's actions. 👏

boogerpeanut | boogerpeanut

Melatonin is a mineral, like vitamins. NTA for giving it.

FitzyII | FitzyII

Melatonin failed at 11, abusing it on a kid? No way! 🤯

introusers1979 | introusers1979

Melatonin is natural and non-addictive, NTA did right. 👍

IcyIssue | IcyIssue

Supportive comment on parenting and mental health medication.

Allrojin | Allrojin

Parent receives support for giving prescribed medicine to child.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Melatonin not prescribed, NTA. Giving child supplement like Tylenol.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Struggling with DSPD, commenter urges solid medical record and sleep clinic

imadoggomom | imadoggomom

Supportive comment advises documenting and reporting ex's behavior. 👍

ilovepancakes134 | ilovepancakes134

Melatonin is natural, not drugging. NTA parent.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Melatonin helps kids with sleep issues. NTA for giving it.

justwatching00 | justwatching00

Following doctor's advice vs uninformed opinion saves the day! 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom not in the wrong for giving medication as per doctor's advice. ✅💊

future_nurse19 | future_nurse19

Melatonin for toddlers? Common or controversial? 🤔

tboskiq | tboskiq

Pediatrician's advice = NTA. Concern for sister's sleep schedule. 😴

ElderJames_ | ElderJames_

Melatonin helped me sleep, NTA for giving it to daughter 🙌

lilbug89 | lilbug89

Melatonin is a supplement, not a drug. NTA 👍

cclmcl | cclmcl

Sleep physician urges second opinion for poor sleepers. 😊

likeorlikelike | likeorlikelike

Importance of sleep for children and support for the parent 👍

DepecheModel123 | DepecheModel123

Naturally occurring melatonin helps daughter sleep better. NTA 👍

MomentoMoriBenn | MomentoMoriBenn

Giving melatonin to kids with ADHD and Autism is justified. NTA 👍

TheHappyCamper1979 | TheHappyCamper1979

Defending melatonin use, suggesting action against neglectful father. #NTA 👍

Delgumo | Delgumo

Melatonin use at young age. Ex in trouble. NTA.

M0506 | M0506

Defending the OP for giving her kid 'sleep gummy' 🙌

wevie13 | wevie13

Melatonin use for sleep: NTA with doctor's approval ✌️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Medical professional recommended sleep gummy, ex's claim is baseless. 👍

GeneralAce135 | GeneralAce135

Melatonin can help but be cautious with dosage 🚡

ThatBatNightlife | ThatBatNightlife

Asking for clarification on melatonin use. Dad seems unreasonable 😒

adertyTV | adertyTV

Following doctor's orders and ex exerting control. NTA 👍

Wondermax2588 | Wondermax2588

Melatonin is safe and natural, father has no basis. NTA 👍

SmilingIsNotEnough | SmilingIsNotEnough

Suggesting alternative sleep aid, polite NTA comment 🙌

allyek | allyek

Melatonin for kids? NTA defends use of sleep aid 💤

Irish980 | Irish980

Defending a mother's decision for daughter's health 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA and TV in kids' rooms linked to childhood obesity 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Melatonin is a natural neurotransmitter and NTA for giving it.

LemonPantalones | LemonPantalones

Legal worries? Not an issue when you're NTA 👏

fake_red13 | fake_red13

Melatonin helps parent cope with sleepless child, ignore judgmental ex.

thelazykitchenwitch | thelazykitchenwitch

Melatonin is natural, NTA, CPS won't be called. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Natural sleep aid for child sparks disagreement with father. NTA!

IHaveBlackCousins | IHaveBlackCousins

Melatonin for kids? NTA or YTA? No a-hole here.

bunny0200 | bunny0200

Defending the mom's use of melatonin for her daughter. 👍

emjack78 | emjack78

Following doctor's orders, not child abuse. Ex causing trouble.

Derangedteddy | Derangedteddy

Melatonin is safe and prescribed by doctors. Dad is reaching. NTA 👍

TheLakeWitch | TheLakeWitch

Defending the Mom's Use of Melatonin for 5-Year-Old Daughter 👍

Evie_St_Clair | Evie_St_Clair

Father overreacts to melatonin, needs to calm down 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom receives support for giving daughter melatonin supplement.✌

dreadedwheat | dreadedwheat

Assertive NTA mom won't let explosive ex ruin daughter's safety 💪

whitewolf048 | whitewolf048

Melatonin changed commenter's life, wishes parents gave it earlier. NTA 👍

boo29may | boo29may

Melatonin isn't drugging a child! NTA for using it.

ShadowsDemise42 | ShadowsDemise42

NTA suggests seeking legal and medical advice for sleep issues.

angilnibreathnach | angilnibreathnach

Melatonin is a safe and effective sleep aid for children 👍

Crystal007635 | Crystal007635

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