Entitled Roommate DEMANDING I Feed Her After Eating All My Food! 🤬

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🎓 College life can be a rollercoaster ride, especially when it comes to roommate relationships! 🎢 Meet our 19-year-old protagonist, a lucky scholarship recipient with wealthy parents, who's about to face a major dilemma with her less fortunate roommate. 😱 Buckle up, because this story is packed with drama, food fights, and a mini fridge that's about to cause a massive meltdown! 🍿🍫🧊

🎓 College Roomie Drama: The Scholarship Divide 💸

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

😢 Roommate's Rough Situation: Working to Survive 🍽️

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

💄 Priorities: Makeup Over Meals? 🛍️

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

🍽️ Fridge Fiasco: Binge Eating Bonanza 😱

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

🍰 The $120 Cake Catastrophe 😭

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

🎂 Cake Carnage: Stress Eating Strikes Again 😠

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

🧊 Mini Fridge to the Rescue! 🔒

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

🍽️ Less is More: Protecting My Provisions 🔐

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

😡 Roommate's Rage: Where's the Food? 🍽️

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

😱 Mini Fridge Meltdown: Roomie Loses It! 🤬

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

📱 Twisted Tales: Roommate's Friends Attack 😤

minifridgethrowawa | minifridgethrowawa

🍽️ Fridge Wars: The Roommate Food Feud! 🥗🍰

Our protagonist's roommate has been devouring her food faster than you can say 'bon appétit,' leaving her with less than a quarter of what she bought! 😱 Despite pleas to cut back, the roommate's binge eating habits continued, culminating in the tragic tale of the $120 cake that disappeared in a single day. 🎂💸 Fed up, our heroine invested in a mini fridge to protect her provisions, but this only led to a massive meltdown from her roommate and a barrage of angry texts from her friends. 📱😤 The internet is divided on this one - should our protagonist continue to feed her roommate's insatiable appetite, or is she justified in locking up her snacks? 🔒🍫 Let's see what the masses have to say about this tasty tale of college conflict! 🍿

Don't let your roommate's entitlement bankrupt you. Stand your ground! 💪

alexenglish_ | alexenglish_

Roommate spends money on makeup but demands food? NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate is a freeloader. NTA. 👍

Sidneyreb | Sidneyreb

Stand your ground, you're NTA. Your roommate needs to learn budgeting. 👍

slythercon | slythercon

Gluttonous roommate demands food, lacks etiquette. OP NTA. 🤬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate is stealing OP's food and being greedy. NTA.

EpitomyHD | EpitomyHD

Generosity abused by entitled roommate who trash talked behind back 🤬

im_justbrowsing | im_justbrowsing

Sharing is caring but boundaries are important. NTA 🍰

PianoOk6786 | PianoOk6786

Friend eats entire cake, expects roommate to feed her. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Resourceful suggestions to help entitled roommate; don't feed her. NTA. 👍

Successful_Dot2813 | Successful_Dot2813

Not the a-hole for not feeding entitled roommate 👏

Free_Ad_7708 | Free_Ad_7708

Get revenge on entitled roommate by exposing her to friends 😈

disney_nerd_mom | disney_nerd_mom

Don't be guilt-tripped. Set boundaries and prioritize self-care 💪

Justadreamer7244 | Justadreamer7244

Standing up for your boundaries is fair. NTA 👏

LeftLeafOnly | LeftLeafOnly

Questioning the story's authenticity, but still NTA verdict.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate's entitlement to food sparks financial responsibility discussion. NTA.

MoonInHisHands | MoonInHisHands

Not responsible for feeding entitled roommate. NTA. 👍

Emotional_Fan_7011 | Emotional_Fan_7011

Generosity taken for granted. Locks on fridge and door recommended.

Substantial_Bench102 | Substantial_Bench102

Cake-loving NTA sets limits on food consumption 🍰

Rubberbandballgirl | Rubberbandballgirl

Passive-aggressive macaroni retaliation against entitled roommate. #NTA 😏

bethsophia | bethsophia

Roommate eats all OP's food, demands more. OP is NTA. 💪

CeliaBrooke | CeliaBrooke

Debate over unequal scholarship eligibility sparks confusion and frustration.

Artemis-Bow | Artemis-Bow

Assertive response to entitled roommate's unreasonable demands.

Intelligent-Bite9660 | Intelligent-Bite9660

Roommate eats all food, buys makeup instead of food. NTA.

yocheved_the_curious | yocheved_the_curious

Roommate is a mooch. Lock your fridge. NTA 👍

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Roommate eats 75% of food, demands more. NTA suggests gift card.

yovakcans | yovakcans

Setting boundaries with entitled roommate who stole food. NTA 👏

Mundane_Chemist_95 | Mundane_Chemist_95

Compassionate advice on roommate's unhealthy food behavior. NTA 👍

RighteousTablespoon | RighteousTablespoon

"Agreement" or Obligation? Roommate expects free food. NTA.

whenitrainsitpours4 | whenitrainsitpours4

Don't let her take advantage of your generosity! 🙅‍♀️🚫

lobosaguila | lobosaguila

Roommate's entitlement to food and items causing tension. NTA response.

teresajs | teresajs

Campus food pantry may solve entitled roommate's food demands 🍲

inodiate | inodiate

Roommate's entitlement and poor budgeting skills questioned. NTA.

Latter-Cattle7788 | Latter-Cattle7788

Offering practical solutions to a potential binge eater. 👍

HamHockShortDock | HamHockShortDock

Set priorities straight! Makeup or food? You tell her. 👀

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate wants free food, but OP is NTA for refusing 🙅‍♀️

CinnamonBlue | CinnamonBlue

Spending on non-necessities instead of food? NTA suggests hunger as discipline.

No-Locksmith-8590 | No-Locksmith-8590

Roommate eats OP's food, demands more. OP not the a**hole.

Bird_Brain4101112 | Bird_Brain4101112

Sharing food with less fortunate roommate, but entitlement led to conflict.

Unknown_Grim33 | Unknown_Grim33

Why not ditch the annoying roommate and live alone? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Showing empathy for roommate's binge eating and suggesting mental health services 🧡

Jerry1Martha2 | Jerry1Martha2

Roommate eats OP's food, pushes to buy mini fridge, entitled behavior.

Impressive-Ad-1648 | Impressive-Ad-1648

Roommate takes food and demands more, NTA for saying no 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Rescinding shared food offer to entitled roommate. NTA. 👍

AggravatingOne3960 | AggravatingOne3960

Setting boundaries is important, but don't overanalyze or lie about prices 😉

WALampLighter | WALampLighter

Prioritizing needs over wants and setting boundaries. 💪

whosetosay1111 | whosetosay1111

Sarcastic comment on 'luck' and advice on entitlement.

proximalfunk | proximalfunk

College meal plans exist for a reason. NTA.

sparrowhawk75 | sparrowhawk75

Let her friends restock your fridge 🍲👫

-chelle- | -chelle-

User questions OP's claim and suggests helping roommate. YTA.

WideBlock | WideBlock

Navigating food insecurity and roommate boundaries 😓

_Jerkus | _Jerkus

Accusation of classism and greed for not sharing food. 👎

Drvanfalk | Drvanfalk

Satisfy your petty side with a sarcastic GoFundMe 🎂🤑

outdwoodwerk | outdwoodwerk

Sassy commenter calls out OP's unintelligible post 😎

DestinysGarden | DestinysGarden

Roommate expects free food and demands full fridge. NTA.

pookguyinc | pookguyinc

Suggesting charity or school food plan for entitled roommate. 🍲

notmemeorme | notmemeorme

Offering helpful resources for food-insecure roommate with disordered eating. #NTA

kmp91kmp | kmp91kmp

Roommate needs to learn basic priorities 👍

Sammisam-33 | Sammisam-33

Roommate entitlement: NTA, not responsible for her food 🤬

marvelfan20 | marvelfan20

No a-hole here, but where's the cafeteria? 🤔

Curious_Discussion63 | Curious_Discussion63

Suggests moving out and highlights the lack of a written agreement 📝

JCWa50 | JCWa50

Roommate steals food, gets mad when called out. NTA 🚫🍴

LiLadybug81 | LiLadybug81

Clarifying expectations and budget with a makeup-obsessed roommate 😏

HereComesTheSun000 | HereComesTheSun000

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