Brother & SIL's SHOCKING Demand: "Let Us Steal Your Free Vacation!" 😱

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🌺 Aloha, Facebook fam! Get ready for a juicy tale of sibling rivalry, honeymoon hijinks, and a dreamy work perk that's causing some major family drama! 😱 When a company offers an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii, you'd think it's all sunshine and rainbows, right? 🌈 Well, buckle up, because this story is about to take a wild turn! 🎢 One sibling's coveted vacation benefit becomes the center of a heated family feud, and you won't believe how it all unfolds! 🍿 So, grab your popcorn and let's dive into this tropical tale of family tension! 🌴😎

🌴 A Dreamy Work Perk: All-Expenses-Paid Hawaii Getaway! 🏝️

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

🚫 COVID Cancels the Coveted Company Trip... Enter Family Drama! 😬

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family Fairness? Mom & Dad Got Their Turn, Now It's the Newlyweds'! 💒

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

🍯 Honeymoon Hijinks: Couple Wants to Snag Sibling's Sweet Work Perk! 🌺

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

🚨 Perk Misuse Alert! Mental Health Benefit, Not Honeymoon Fund! 😅

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

🗳️ Family Vote: Brother Claims It's His Turn for the Trip! 🙋‍♂️

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

🙅‍♀️ Sibling Stands Firm: No Way to Waste Precious PTO! ⏳

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

🏢 Keeping It Professional: Firm Frowns Upon Perk Misuse! 😒

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

😡 Wedding Woes: Couple Threatens to Uninvite Sibling Over Trip Tiff! 💔

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

🎯 Blame Game: Couple Redirects Anger at Sibling for Ruined Honeymoon Plans! 😠

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

💸 Money Matters: Brother's Always Asking for Cash! 🤑

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

🤷‍♂️ Sibling Strife: Brother's "That's Your Problem" Attitude! 😤

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

🍿 Family Feud: Brother Calls Sibling an A-hole, Mom Wants Peace! 🕊️

aitahawaiihoneymoon | aitahawaiihoneymoon

🌋 Honeymoon Havoc: Sibling Showdown Over Hawaii Getaway! 🏝️😠

Well, well, well... looks like this family's in for a wild ride! 🎢 Our protagonist is caught between a rock and a hard place when their newlywed brother and sister-in-law demand to use their work perk for a free honeymoon in Hawaii! 🌺 Talk about entitlement, am I right? 😒 But wait, it gets better! The couple even threatens to uninvite our poor sibling from the wedding if they don't comply! 😱 Can you believe the audacity? 🙄 And now, with COVID cancelling their belated honeymoon plans, the blame game is back in full force! 🎯 Will our protagonist stand their ground or cave to keep the peace? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this sizzling sibling showdown! 🍿🔥

Politely refused SIL's demand, but threatened to be uninvited from wedding.

Cry_Original | Cry_Original

Wedding, honeymoon? Pay for it. Don't risk your job benefits! 🙅

SeaAndSun74 | SeaAndSun74

Politely remind them it's *your* benefit, they can work for it 👍

CandylandCanada | CandylandCanada

Entitled brother and SIL demand free vacation, NTA stands firm 😎

dricysarcasm | dricysarcasm

NTA for not sacrificing your vacation for your brother's wedding.

PrincessFrostii | PrincessFrostii

Don't let them steal your free vacation! NTA 😱

Glittering-Vehicle41 | Glittering-Vehicle41

Enjoy your vacation, don't let them steal it! 🍷

PastaM0nster | PastaM0nster

Brother wants entire free vacation, NTA for saying no! 🙌

Funguswoman | Funguswoman

Illegal vacation theft proposal, NTA, family full of problems. 🤯

PrehistoricSquirrel | PrehistoricSquirrel

Politely decline. Your job comes first and it's not his entitlement. 👍

PunkRawkPrincess1 | PunkRawkPrincess1

Don't risk your job for their free vacation! 😱

Cocoasneeze | Cocoasneeze

NTA. Brother and SIL's entitled demand for your free vacation.

moa1347 | moa1347

Keep work benefits secret to avoid family drama 🙌


Can SIL really fly under OP's name? Doubtful. NTA anyway 🙂

Javaman1960 | Javaman1960

HR would not be happy with vacation abuse. NTA.

niamhk13 | niamhk13

Brother and SIL's entitlement is off the charts! NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't let them steal your vacation! NTA 🙌

LeReineNoir | LeReineNoir

Don't let family guilt you into risking your job! NTA 👍

deepsleepsheepmeep | deepsleepsheepmeep

Claiming your vacation pay is a no-brainer! 🏝️

WW76kh | WW76kh

NTA. No one is owed a trip to Hawaii. 🏝🇭 Your mother's attitude is wrong. 😠

Reliant20 | Reliant20

Enjoy Hawaii on your terms, not with annoying relatives. NTA 🏝🏝

bct7 | bct7

Asking for job to justify free vacation entitlement, NAH situation.

BeanBrick | BeanBrick

Firmly stand your ground against your brother's grifting scheme. 💪

Lullaby37 | Lullaby37

Don't let them steal from the company! NTA 🚨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Brother and SIL's entitlement gets shut down. 😏

pissingoffpeople | pissingoffpeople

Don't let them steal your hard-earned vacation! 🏊🏻😱

Sparrowsfly | Sparrowsfly

Breaking the law for a vacation? Classy. NTA wins.

Historical-Foot99 | Historical-Foot99

Politely decline brother's unreasonable request to risk your job 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Entitled couple demands free vacation, commenter says NTA. 👍

thrilling_me_softly | thrilling_me_softly

Brother wants to steal free vacation for honeymoon? NTA, say no! 🎉

EquivalentTwo1 | EquivalentTwo1

Just say no! Don't let entitled family steal your vacation! 😜

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA shuts down entitled brother and SIL's ridiculous demand 😍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Politely declining a risky and convoluted scheme for Hawaii vacation. ✈️🌴

mfruitfly | mfruitfly

You earned it! Bride and groom should afford their own honeymoon 👍

NotSoAverage_sister | NotSoAverage_sister

Don't risk your job for their benefit fraud scheme 🙅

Purple-Paisley-Panda | Purple-Paisley-Panda

Take back your vacation! You earned it! 🍷

outerheaven77 | outerheaven77

Employment vs. Wedding Invite: The Dilemma of a Work Perk

Wonkywhiskers | Wonkywhiskers

Stand your ground and don't let entitled family take advantage. 💪

depressivedarkling | depressivedarkling

Don't risk your job or sanity for selfish family members.

StellalunaStarr | StellalunaStarr

When logic fails, bring in the boss! 😎

The_Killer_Cucumber | The_Killer_Cucumber

Brother and SIL's entitlement exposed, NTA stands firm. 😎

BexB783 | BexB783

Don't risk your job or perks for some cheap asshat 😑

TattieMafia | TattieMafia

Entitled brother and SIL demand free vacation, commenter says NTA 🙄

dellaevaine | dellaevaine

Lying for your brother's thievery can cost you your job! 😱

Damagedbeme | Damagedbeme

Friends should respect boundaries, even if it's a free vacation! 👍

Annerkind | Annerkind

Don't risk your job for a free honeymoon. NTA 👍

guesswhodrwho | guesswhodrwho

NTA! The company benefit is amazing, don't lose it! 😍

ms_movie | ms_movie

NTA, cut them off before their entitlement ruins your life. 🙌

skullyott | skullyott

Politely decline and suggest they contact the authorities instead. NTA 🙌

TheOriginalKestaa | TheOriginalKestaa

Enjoy your well-deserved vacation and ignore the entitled family drama! 🍹🍷

Dacookies | Dacookies

Don't let family guilt you into committing fraud for them! 💸🙅‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't let them steal your free vacation, NTA! 🍷

griseldabean | griseldabean

Work benefits are for you, not entitled family members 😒

TUGrad | TUGrad

NTA. Using company resources for personal gain is risky business.

addictivemischief | addictivemischief

Sassy response shuts down entitled family's vacation demand 😎

Rhm85 | Rhm85

Missed opportunity for honeymoon gift, now demanding free vacation 😒

LikesToLurkNYC | LikesToLurkNYC

Entitlement at its finest. Stick to your guns, NTA! 😠

Known_Radio | Known_Radio

Don't let him walk all over you! NTA 🙏

maddr_lurker | maddr_lurker

Don't let anyone steal your hard-earned vacation perk! 🍷

reptilesni | reptilesni

Don't risk your job for entitled family members 🙄

tikanique | tikanique

NTA and a big thumbs down to entitled people 👎🏻

A_White_Tulip | A_White_Tulip

Entitled family members beware! NTA stands their ground. 🙌

FanofYueFei | FanofYueFei

Brother demands free vacation, risks OP's job and company liability. NTA.

Arbiter_of_Balance | Arbiter_of_Balance

Setting boundaries is key. NTA for saying no to entitled family.

judge1492 | judge1492

Don't let entitled family steal your hard-earned vacation! 🙅

holisarcasm | holisarcasm

SIL's plan to steal OP's vacation could backfire for everyone. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA, don't let them steal your vacation! 😱

welshcake77 | welshcake77

A failed plan: Using someone else's name for a flight 😳

Co-Tuck | Co-Tuck

SIL's plan to steal free vacation backfires. NTA shuts down.

JJennnnnnifer | JJennnnnnifer

Don't risk your job for your brother's free vacation. NTA 👍

PeteyPorkchops | PeteyPorkchops

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