Roommate Gives Boyfriend Key Without Permission - Gets KICKED OUT! 😱

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Diply | Diply

🏠 Buckle up, folks, because we've got a juicy tale of roommate drama that's sure to get your blood boiling! 😡 When you let a friend crash at your place out of the goodness of your heart, you expect a little respect and consideration in return, right? 🙏 Well, our protagonist is about to find out what happens when boundaries are crossed and trust is broken! 💔 Get ready for a wild ride filled with shocking revelations, heated confrontations, and some tough decisions that'll leave you wondering... who's really the a-hole here? 🤔

🏠 Roomie Drama Alert! 🚨

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

📝 No Formal Agreement, Just Friendship! 🤝

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

🍽️ Not a Perfect Roomie, But Not Terrible Either 🤷‍♀️

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

😱 Surprise! Boyfriend Chilling Solo in MY Home! 🏠

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

🔑 The Shocking Revelation: She Gave Him a KEY! 😲

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

🗝️ Boyfriend Proudly Shows Off His Shiny New Key 🔑

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

😡 Furious Flatmate Demands Key Back ASAP! 🔥

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

🚪 Boyfriend Exits, Thinking Flatmate is Overreacting 🙄

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

🏠 Roomie Claims It's Her Home Too! 🗣️

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

😢 Roomie Begs for Forgiveness, But Doesn't Get It 🙏

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

🤔 AITA for Putting My Foot Down? 🦶

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

⏰ Two Weeks Notice: Enough Time or Too Harsh? ⌛

ok_bike_968 | ok_bike_968

🔑 The Case of the Secret Spare Key: Overreaction or Justified Fury? 🗝️

Well, well, well... looks like our protagonist's act of kindness has come back to bite her in the a**! 😬 Letting her friend stay in her home seemed like a good idea at the time, but little did she know, her roomie would take some serious liberties. 🙄 Giving her boyfriend a key without permission? Talk about crossing the line! 😡 Now, our furious flatmate is faced with a tough choice: forgive and forget, or kick her inconsiderate friend to the curb? ⏰ The internet is divided on this one, folks! Some say two weeks is plenty of time to find a new place, while others think it's too harsh. 😢 Let's see what the masses have to say about this spicy situation! 🌶️

You're in the right! 👏 Stand your ground, girl! 😎

ladyrageofunluckland | ladyrageofunluckland

Roommate learns the hard way: don't give BF unapproved access 🙄

gin_n_tonic_n_dog | gin_n_tonic_n_dog

Roommate betrayed trust, got kicked out. NTA here! 💯

Substantial-Fox-4905 | Substantial-Fox-4905

You're NTA for kicking out the roommate's boyfriend without permission 😊

ladyteruki | ladyteruki

NTA. Friend disrespected you by giving boyfriend key without permission.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA calls out roommate's manipulation and suggests she move out 🙌

Valuable_Ad_742 | Valuable_Ad_742

Know your tenant laws before kicking out roommates 👀📝 #NTA

ManderBlues | ManderBlues

Establishing clear boundaries is key to successful roommate situations.

Chapelirl | Chapelirl

Respect boundaries when living with roommates. Not the a-hole.

E11i0t | E11i0t

Roommate and OP both at fault for miscommunication and resentment 😒

Jabroni504 | Jabroni504

Friend's boyfriend gets key without permission, gets kicked out. NTA.

Relevant-Geologist50 | Relevant-Geologist50

Roommate takes advantage, gets kicked out. NTA wins! 👏

Fianna9 | Fianna9

Landlord kicks out tenant for giving boyfriend unauthorized key 😱

sainthO0d | sainthO0d

Lost sight of the goal🎯. Roommate overstayed and got kicked out🚪

OldPolishProverb | OldPolishProverb

Debate over tenant vs landlord status and eviction procedures 🤔

GreenDistribution903 | GreenDistribution903

Goodbye, bad roommate! NTA takes no more BS. 👋🏼

downtherabbitholeuk | downtherabbitholeuk

Roommate gave boyfriend key without permission, gets kicked out! NTA

MissTheWire | MissTheWire

Roommate gives key without permission, gets kicked out - NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate crossed the line, got kicked out. NTA 👏

Angry-Beaver82 | Angry-Beaver82

Blurred lines between roommate, tenant and guest caused inevitable fallout.

Lycanthro_1433 | Lycanthro_1433

Roommate tried to illegally evict, gets schooled on tenant rights 😎

_an_ambulance | _an_ambulance

NTA kicks out roommate's bf for unauthorized entry. Savage but deserved 😎

HunterDangerous1366 | HunterDangerous1366

Gray area- paying rent doesn't give permission to give keys 🤔

PinkPrincess61 | PinkPrincess61

Unwritten lease leads to eviction drama. NTA but still concerning.

WTFrenchToast1 | WTFrenchToast1

Roommate's unauthorized key sharing leads to eviction. Agree, NTA.

Alleoz | Alleoz

Setting boundaries with roommates and their boyfriends. NTA 👍

rst012345 | rst012345

Roommate gets kicked out for giving boyfriend key without permission 😱

Emergency_Ad_5935 | Emergency_Ad_5935

Giving a key to a stranger without permission is creepy 🤪

AsIfIKnowWhatImDoin | AsIfIKnowWhatImDoin

Renting a room means allowing access, YTA for kicking out.

awesomeGuyViral | awesomeGuyViral

Roommate learns the importance of rental contracts and boundaries. NAH.

818Dude | 818Dude

Double check tenancy laws before kicking out uninvited guests 😔

codeverity | codeverity

Respect for safety and privacy is crucial in shared living spaces 🙏

RoseFeather | RoseFeather

Roommate's boyfriend gets key without permission, gets kicked out. NTA.

angel2hi | angel2hi

Friend crossed the line, change locks before boyfriend seeks revenge! 😱

ButterscotchOk7516 | ButterscotchOk7516

Roommate risks safety, gets kicked out for boyfriend key fiasco 😱

International_Win375 | International_Win375

Charging rent doesn't entitle her to give out keys! 😑

Squifflenoses | Squifflenoses

NTA, your home your rules! Roommate crossed a line 👍

TheNorthern_exposure | TheNorthern_exposure

Tenant's entitlement leads to eviction, change locks for safety! 🚨

Limerase | Limerase

NTA and eviction notice required, but will she leave? 🤔

Intelligent-Kiwi-574 | Intelligent-Kiwi-574

Protecting your home: Commenter calls out roommate's bad judgement.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respect boundaries in shared spaces or face the consequences 👍

Murka-Lurka | Murka-Lurka

Living with roommates can expose their true nature. NTA.

ifruitia | ifruitia

NTA. Roommate's friend is either an idiot, a user, or both 😒

ShinyAppleScoop | ShinyAppleScoop

Roommate gives boyfriend key without permission, gets kicked out 😱 NTA receives support

swiggarthy | swiggarthy

Roommate gave BF key without permission, NTA changes locks 😎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Betrayed trust leads to eviction. NTA takes action 💪

Stardust-Sparkles | Stardust-Sparkles

Roommate with boundary issues gets evicted, NTA 🚪

Maybeidontknow99 | Maybeidontknow99

Safety first! NTA for kicking out roommate's boyfriend 👍

sgtmattie | sgtmattie

NTA. Owner's right to dictate who has keys. Look into restricted keys for tenants 👍

Jenipherocious | Jenipherocious

Setting boundaries with a roommate who gave away keys 🚫

Jay-Em-Bee | Jay-Em-Bee

Watch out for Netflix show! Hope she moves out. Update? 😬

Khmera | Khmera

Landlord gets a reality check. YTA for not setting boundaries. 😒

DocSternau | DocSternau

Trust issues and roommate conflicts over boyfriend's key 🤷‍♀️

Huegod | Huegod

Setting boundaries is crucial. NTA kicked out mooching roommate! 😎

bonafidebunnyeyed | bonafidebunnyeyed

Supportive comment advising on tenants' rights and eviction process. 👍

my_metrocard | my_metrocard

Put it in writing! NTA for setting clear boundaries.

Jalenmrtn | Jalenmrtn

NTA. Roommate milking situation, entitled to property, kick her out! 💯

Zesty-Lem0n | Zesty-Lem0n

Roommate's boyfriend gets key without permission, NTA evicts her. 🚫

Detronyx | Detronyx

Don't compromise safety for convenience. NTA did the right thing 👍

Ancient-Stranger9355 | Ancient-Stranger9355

Bold comment sparks no replies, but raises a valid point 🔥

[deleted] | [deleted]

Overstayed welcome and gave out key without permission 👍

WillLoveCoffee4Ever1 | WillLoveCoffee4Ever1

Non-apologies are a slap in the face 🗡

Bizarre_Protuberance | Bizarre_Protuberance

Roommate's boyfriend gets key without permission, commenter says not overreacting.

joetech15 | joetech15

Friend gives boyfriend key without permission, gets kicked out. NTA!

Fabulous-Ad6844 | Fabulous-Ad6844

Inconsiderate roommate gets their just desserts 😏

It-wont-stop | It-wont-stop

Change the locks! NTA roommate gets what she deserves 😜

fuck_my_Life_today | fuck_my_Life_today

Permission denied: NTA shows roommate the door 🚫

LaoPower | LaoPower

Tenant lends boyfriend key without permission, gets evicted! NTA

quiidge | quiidge

Setting boundaries early is key to avoiding roommate drama 👍

Greensparow | Greensparow

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