She Tried to Out-Cook His Dead Dad... It Ended BADLY 😳

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Diply | Diply

🍳 Get ready for a sizzling tale of family traditions, culinary competition, and a ghost in the kitchen! 👻 When a loving son tries to honor his late father's cooking legacy, his girlfriend's quest to prove herself leads to a recipe for disaster. 🙅‍♀️ Will her attempts to outdo dad's dishes leave a bitter taste in everyone's mouth? 😬 Grab a seat at the table and let's dig in to this juicy story! 🍽️

🍳 A Family Tradition: Dad's Delicious 5-Course Meals 🍝

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Keeping Dad's Memory Alive Through Cooking 🥘

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

👩‍🍳 Enter: The Girlfriend Who Loves to Cook 🥗

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

🍽️ Girlfriend's Cooking Crusade Begins 🥄

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

🤔 The Mystery of the Dissatisfied Chef 🔍

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

😋 Delicious Food, Unsatisfied Girlfriend 🍰

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

🤯 30 Ways to Say Delicious, Still Not Enough 🗣️

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

💡 Realization Dawns: Competing with a Ghost 👻

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

🙅‍♂️ "Please Don't Compare Yourself to My Dad" 🙏

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

😔 "You Can't Be Better Than My Old Man" 👴

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

🌟 "You're Good in Your Own Right" ✨

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

👻 "Stop Competing with a Ghost" 🚫

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

❄️ Icy Aftermath: Kicked Out and Frozen Out 🥶

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

ℹ️ EDIT: More Context for Clarity 🔍

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

👩 Girlfriend Never Met Dad 🙅‍♀️

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

🙅‍♂️ No Comparisons from Family 🚫

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family Gatherings: Catching Up, Not Dwelling on the Past 🗣️

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

🍽️ Happily Eating What Partners Bring 😋

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

👨‍🍳 Brothers in Charge of Cooking at Mom's 🥘

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

👻 Dad's Presence in the Kitchen 👨‍🍳

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

🍳 Cooking Dad's Dishes and More 🥗

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

🏠 Happily Eating at Partners' Places 🍽️

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

💑 Plans to Clear the Air and Move Forward 🗣️

chowderjr25 | chowderjr25

🍳 Cooking Up Trouble: Girlfriend Competes with Ghost of Dad's Culinary Legacy 👻

Well, well, well... looks like we've got a real kitchen nightmare on our hands! 😱 This poor guy just wanted to enjoy his girlfriend's cooking without any drama, but she just couldn't resist trying to one-up his dear old dad's legendary dishes. 🍝 Talk about biting off more than you can chew! 😅 Despite his best efforts to reassure her that her food was delicious in its own right, she just couldn't let go of the idea that she had to be better than a ghost. 👻 Yikes! Let's see what the internet has to say about this saucy situation... 🤔🍿

Demanding to be held higher than a dead loved one? 🤔

Irish_Whiskey | Irish_Whiskey

Competing with a dead person? 🤔 Not a good look.

Spoopyowo | Spoopyowo

NTA handled it gracefully, but does narcissism fuel her competitiveness?

ImissBagels | ImissBagels

Competing with a dead man? NTA for feeling uncomfortable 🤔

mooghertdoobert | mooghertdoobert

NTA. GF trying to replace a memory of dead father? Psychotic 😕

ZealousidealNotice90 | ZealousidealNotice90

Delicate response to a cooking competition with a sentimental touch ❤️

winewitheverything_ | winewitheverything_

Fishing for compliments gone wrong. NTA, she's an AH.

p1mentvert | p1mentvert

Competing with an ex's cooking is one thing, but with a dead father? NTA's marinara joke is on point 😂

k1p1coder | k1p1coder

Kind response to competitiveness over cooking deceased dad's dish.

ceciliabee | ceciliabee

Setting boundaries with good judgment 👍

apearlmae | apearlmae

Partner's insecurity about cooking leads to relationship concerns.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being better than the dead dad? NTA recommends to leave.

bunnakay | bunnakay

Different kinds of love. Competing with dead dad is weird 😕

NatashOverWorld | NatashOverWorld

NTA. Encourage your girlfriend to seek therapy for her behavior 👍

intripletime | intripletime

Cooking comparison to dead dad is unreasonable and invalid 🤔

Fun_Woodpecker7095 | Fun_Woodpecker7095

Don't compete with a dead parent. NTA made the right choice.

cryinoverwangxian | cryinoverwangxian

Cooking competition or insecurity? NTA, but communication is key. 🙌

3spoopy_5me | 3spoopy_5me

When a sweet gesture crosses the line, NTA prevails.

Reply_or_Not | Reply_or_Not

Recreating a loved one's dish can never taste the same 😢

Stellaaahhhh | Stellaaahhhh

Dodged a bullet! NTA. Let her work on her issues 😎

Bozobozo111 | Bozobozo111

Being compared to a dead person is uncomfortable. NTA wins.

stonerd808 | stonerd808

Respecting dad's memory vs. partner's disrespectful behavior. NTA.

AlienBeingMe | AlienBeingMe

NTA's mom's spaghetti reigns supreme even over homemade attempts 🥧

ThotsforTaterTots | ThotsforTaterTots

Sensitive topic. NTA. Break-up worthy? 🤔

BeaconToTheAngels | BeaconToTheAngels

Emotional maturity wins. NTA handles the situation with grace 👏

trustyminotaur | trustyminotaur

Understanding grief in relationships: When cooking becomes personal.

HellaShelle | HellaShelle

Food may be good, but not if it reminds you of a**hole dad 😳

potatorevolver | potatorevolver

Partner tries to out-cook dead dad, commenter warns of toxicity 😳

SteveJones313 | SteveJones313

Cooking competition with dead dad's recipes? NTA thinks it's odd 🤔

marajade423 | marajade423

Trying to outcook a dead dad? 🤔 NTA called her crazy.

a-_rose | a-_rose

Cooking competition with a ghost? NTA, but it's not healthy. Encourage new dishes together 🍟

GojuSuzi | GojuSuzi

Partner's cooking causes conflict, deeper issues may need addressing. 💔

IndependentBid1854 | IndependentBid1854

Girlfriend wants attention through cooking, NTA, suggest alternative methods. 👨‍🍳

earlysong | earlysong

A thoughtful response about potential contribution to partner's behavior.

timetodienow2013 | timetodienow2013

Respectful NTA response to insensitive cooking competition. 🙏

LittleMxLemon | LittleMxLemon

Unreasonable partner gets perfect response. NTA 👍

pessimistfalife | pessimistfalife

Partner's jealousy over deceased parent's cooking is concerning. NTA.

BooksAndStarsLover | BooksAndStarsLover

Respectful response to cooking competition gone wrong, relationship advice needed 🤔

No_Lifeguard7215 | No_Lifeguard7215

Cooking for deceased dad instead of grieving daughter? NTA 🤣

SnooRabbits5620 | SnooRabbits5620

Understanding NTA's perspective on partner's insensitive behavior.

sansansa56 | sansansa56

Family cooking rivalries are serious business, even for Gordon Ramsay 😏

windexfresh | windexfresh

Cooking competition with dead mother-in-law's recipe? Nope! NTA 🙈

KK_320 | KK_320

NTA, but talk to her about carrying on tradition 👍

12BeachBabe34 | 12BeachBabe34

Avoid cooking comparisons with loved ones, especially deceased ones. 🤪

Many-Brilliant-8243 | Many-Brilliant-8243

NTA stands up for himself against insecure woman's cooking competition.

solitarybydesign | solitarybydesign

Supportive comment encourages communication in relationship, no a-hole here 👏

PMQ14 | PMQ14

GF tries to out-cook dead dad, OP calls out behavior. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Politely shutting down a competitive cook. NTA wins.

Daughter_of_Dusk | Daughter_of_Dusk

Competing with deceased father? Major red flag! 🚩

HopefulSweet5163 | HopefulSweet5163

Don't mess with heirloom recipes. NTA. 👍

non-creativ3 | non-creativ3

Discussing competition with deceased parent; communication is key 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Partner tried to replace dad's cooking, OP handled gracefully. NTA 😊

Littlelady0410 | Littlelady0410

NTA and insecure behavior - should try to dig deeper.

fordse2002 | fordse2002

Compliment her cooking without comparing it to dad's 👍

atkhan007 | atkhan007

Partner's desire to be number one in all aspects concerning.

Bakecrazy | Bakecrazy

Recreating someone's dish doesn't replace the memories attached to it 🤔

Educational_Race5679 | Educational_Race5679

Choosing between her and his dead dad's cooking? Dump her. NTA 😎

RoseDeadInside | RoseDeadInside

Girlfriend's obsession with out-cooking dead dad is toxic 😳

DamnIGottaJustSay | DamnIGottaJustSay

NTA compliments wife's cooking but she competes with his late father's memory 🤔

Someday_wonderful | Someday_wonderful

Cooking competition gone wrong, condolences offered, NTA verdict.

Immediate_Park_3658 | Immediate_Park_3658

Encourage her to develop her own legacy 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Girlfriend's insensitive cooking competition caused unnecessary pain and insecurity. Leave her.

Scar-Lux94 | Scar-Lux94

Food made with love and skill is irreplaceable 🥰❤️

Pand0ra30_ | Pand0ra30_

Cooking competition with a dead dad? NTA wins it all! 🤪

blucougar57 | blucougar57

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