
Production Begins On 'You' Season 3 With Behind The Scenes Photo

Season three. It's going to come out soon, believe it.

Oh yes, You fans, it's time to get together and prepare yourself for yet another season of the worldwide phenomenon that is You.

The show, not you, although I'm sure if you tried you could be an international phenomenon as well.

Ever since Season 2 of "You" ended, we have had one thing on our minds.


When is Season 3 coming out? When will they start filming?

Well, I've got some very good news for all you Joe Goldberg fans out there.

Or, at least, "You"'s Twitter account does.

It's official! They have started production on the third season.

And we all knew that this was coming, but it's nice to see some real confirmation as well, isn't it?

And just in case you weren't convinced, here's Sera Gamble, one of the show's executive producers, confirming it to be real.

So yes, it is happening and yes, it is being made right now as you read these words.

So yes, you can get excited now.


What do you think is going to happen in the third season? Will they be in yet another place? How will the characters we all know and love change?

Tell us in the comments below.