
It's Actually Tradition To Leave Your Christmas Tree Up Until January 6

We all have a handful or so of loved ones that keep their Christmas trees up for a few seasons after the holidays.

While keeping trees up long after Christmas isn't for everyone, it's actually a pretty festive tradition to keep Christmas trees up until January 6th.

We could all use a bit more Christmas magic.

Unsplash | NeONBRAND

According to Better Homes & Gardens, not only should people keep their trees decorated until January 6th, they should also keep celebrating Christmas.

"The 12 Days of Christmas" song is well known to many, but they likely don't realize that the twelve day countdown doesn't actually start until Christmas day.

Let's take the jolly all the way into January.

Sapan Patel l Unsplash

In traditional Christian belief, Christmas celebrations don't actually end until the day on which the three kings arrived in Bethlehem — that day being January 6.

The day of their arrival has several names: The Feast of Epiphany, The Twelfth Night, or Three Kings Day.

Looks like we'll be dashing through the snow a little longer this year.

Unsplash | Євгенія Височина

The last day of Christmas was just as widely and fervently celebrated as the first day, which meant the magic of the holiday was never just confined to one day.

We think it's time for everyone to immediately get on board with this tradition, with even more presents too.

More Christmas is actually the best Christmas present.

We're not sure when this tradition stopped, but we'll be the first in line to sign the petition to get it started again.

The end of the Christmas celebration is marked by Epiphany, which is the day that leads into Mardi Gras. So basically, parties followed by parties. Yes, these needs to be a thing.

Let us know what you think in the comments and if you're a fan of more days of Christmas!

h/t: Better Homes & Gardens

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