Rescue Dog That Can't Stop Smiling Is Stealing Hearts On The Internet

The internet loves a cute dog, but one rescue dog that simply cannot stop smiling has been taking notions of cuteness to the next level.

This Southern Californian pooch is getting a lot of attention because of her constant smile, and it's easy to see how people have become attached to her ever-positive attitude.

This adorable rescue dog is known as Shortcake, officially known as The Lady Shortcake to anyone who's anyone, and her naturally smiley face has made her something of an internet celebrity.

Lady Shortcake is also known by her loving owners as, "Queen of Belly Rubs, Breaker of Gas, Mother of Naps, Eater of Poo," according to her Instagram profile.

This 6-year-old pit bull cannot help but crack a smile wherever she goes.

Lady Shortcake's adorable little face naturally curls up into a smile, making her one of the happiest dogs on the planet!

Shortcake was adopted from the Fresno Bully Rescue centre over five years ago, and has not stopped smiling since. Although, her owners did confess that she is not a fan of walks and prefers to use her charm to try and swindle her way into spending a day on the couch!

Shortcake also uses her powers of cuteness for other nefarious ends...such as always riding shotgun.

Yes, the rule of shotgun doesn't apply to Shortcake — unless that rule is that Shortcake always sits shotgun, according to The Dodo.

Lady Shortcake is also apparently very good at helping her family with their productivity, although only if they're being productive with providing her with belly rubs.

Pit bulls can have quite a negative reputation amongst the general public, but Shortcake is showing the world that they can be incredibly loving, wonderful dogs.

Lady Shortcake has been described as the "best babysitter" by her owners, with the only thing that she doesn't get on with being napkins. Who knows what napkins did to Shortcake, but she is not a fan of them!

Hopefully Lady Shortcake will continue to use her amazing smile to bring joy to people for years to come!

Her owners also hope that other people will also be inspired to adopt a rescue dog through the hashtag #adoptdontshop after seeing the joy that Lady Shortcake has brought to their lives.

With a face like that it is hard to imagine Lady Shortcake ever not bringing a smile to someone's face — unless you try and make her sit in the back seat like a peasant that is!

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