Carve A Watermelon Into A T-Rex For A T-errific Fruit Platter

I am what one might call a "dinosaur enthusiast."

No, not like Ross Gellar. I just think dinosaurs are wicked awesome, you know? So naturally, I love everything dinosaur-adjacent — like t-rex watermelon, for example.

People have been carving whole watermelons into t-rex heads, and it's kind of crazy. Let's get jur-ass looking at some, shall we?

Oh HELL yeah.

Try and tell me this doesn't look awesome a hell. You can't! Those toothpick teeth? Genius. Adding in some melon to give the fruit platter some variety? GENIUS!

I am fully aware these are for kids...

But damn, if I don't want a t-rex watermelon head for my birthday. Yes, I'm a 30-something-year-old woman. Yes, I have the taste of a 7-year-old boy. We exist.

People get pretty intricate with them.

This one has perfectly carved teeth, which is a little mind-blowing. This must have taken so long to do! Shoutout to this artist, who I am also sure slays at pumpkin carving.

So, what do you think?

Would you eat a watermelon t-rex? Because I know I would. Pair one of these with a Jurassic Park marathon, and you've got the perfect afternoon!