20 Pics That Made Us Stop And Say 'Wait, What?'

Dye applied to eyes
reddit | SaltMineForeman

Seeing something unexpected can be a shock to the system, but it can also add some energy to an otherwise ho-hum day. Think of it as the brain's way of staying limber and refreshed. If your life has been lacking in weirdness lately, this list ought to switch things up. It sure did the trick for us!

"A pilot made a mild smiley face over Cambridge."

Smiley face in the sky made by an airplane
reddit | nickh1979

Is there a story here? I ask just because I can't really envision a scenario where a pilot would waste fuel just to carve a temporary, kind of wonky-looking smiley face into the sky.

"Found this Byte Coke in a nearby market."

A bottle of 'Byte Coca-Cola'
reddit | TopXglobal

I like how OP simply states that they found a Byte Coke, as if anyone anywhere knows what that means. Does this taste like purple? Does it taste like the internet?

"The hotel I’m staying at has a Lego model of itself."

Hotel lobby has Lego model of hotel itself
reddit | WesFink1

Lego can be the basis for some truly original art, including stuff like this. Knowing that this would have to be a custom build just makes it all that much more impressive.

"This stone stack (Devon, UK)."

A very tall stack of stones
reddit | Last-Middle-5721

I think everyone has, at one time or another, stacked a few flat rocks on a beach. But there's a big difference between stacking a couple of rocks and building a full-blown rocky skyscraper.

"This gavel-shaped pencil from the Bar Association."

Pencil shaped like a gavel
reddit | Apache1One

I really appreciate how on-brand this pencil is. I also appreciate that it comes with double the erasing power of a typical pencil. I'm not so sure the balance would work out when writing with it, though.

"This rock I found in the woods."

A strange rock
reddit | HackerBill

Rocks tend to look like blobs, or perhaps broken blobs, and sometimes blobs with fossils set within them. This rock, though? I have no idea. Did a snake mass grave get fossilized or something?

"There is a small shell in my sea salt grinder."

Small shell in bottle of sea salt
reddit | TurbulentNarwhal

They call it sea salt, and if you needed proof, here it is. Just grind that shell up with the rest of the salt for a truly maritime dining experience.

"I found a pack of cigarettes that's actually a calculator."

Calculator that resembles a box of cigarettes
reddit | Afraid_Condition_267

This would never fly nowadays, but I appreciate the attention to detail. This is so much more than just a simple calculator with a cigarette logo slapped on the front.

"Zero shadow day."

Bottles casting no shadow in direct sunlight
reddit | mayonaaisexd_

I think this only happens in areas directly on the Equator. Maybe the rarity, and the fact that most of the world has never seen this phenomenon, is what makes it look so weird.

"Found a natural bee hive on a walk today."

A natural bee hive
reddit | BL1860B

When looking at this photo, you can either zone out to the Zen pattern of the beehive, or you can feel anxious about the possibility that OP might get stung.

"Today's sun eclipse as seen at sunset resembled a giant cat's head."

Eclipse looks like a cat head
reddit | New-Baby5471

An eclipse typically looks kind of like a crescent moon, but sometimes things combine in a perfect way. Maybe a sunset like this is the reason the ancient Egyptians worshipped cats.

"Woman running for Governor in California put 'F all politicians' as her candidate statement."

Gubernatorial candidate puts 'F all politicians' as her candidate statement
reddit | T-monks

On one hand, you might like to see more of a platform from this candidate. On the other hand, I'm not sure I've ever agreed with a mission statement more.

"This USB drive is just an SD card inside a casing."

USB drive that's just an SD card inside casing
reddit | tomgun41

I'm not sure if this USB drive — which is essentially just an adapter for an SD card — is good value because of the card, or bad value because it's so clearly slapped together.

"My fortune is interrupted by a second fortune."

Fortune cookie fortune with two fortunes smushed together
reddit | polyhazard

This photo kind of freaks me out. I try to take my fortunes to heart, and getting a fortune that's essentially a 404 error code would leave me feeling spiritually adrift.

"Had to pay 50 cents to use the restroom, but there is a cutout for kids to use it free."

Pay toilet with a cutout so kids can use for free
reddit | Prodigy829

This is kind of like when restaurants entice customers by letting kids eat for free, only it's not nearly as exciting.

"My pinball jumped off of this ramp and landed on top of the bumper."

Pinball stuck on top of a bumper
reddit | dirk-diggling

Pinball is serious business for some people. So if you take pinball seriously, please let us know what the ruling is when something like this happens.

"My wife had feet the last time I checked."

Woman who appears to have no feet
reddit | Aloof-Goof

I'm torn here. On one hand, it's really weird that her feet have disappeared. On the other hand, I'm impressed that her cat is able to sit so comfortably on her butt.

"Sometimes… life IS a bed of roses."

Man wearing rose-themed shirt camouflaged against real roses
reddit | Flimsy_Researcher

I thought this was a Photoshop job or a camera glitch at first. It honestly took me an embarrassingly long time to realize it was just a guy wearing the perfect camouflage.

"The eagle statue turns into a pirate at night."

Eagle statue looks like a pirate in low light
reddit | Exotic-Custard-8293

There's no way this was intentional, but it's amazing nonetheless. I guess this is what people are talking about when they refer to something being a happy accident.

"Just had dye applied to my eyes in the emergency department to check for damage after getting lash glue in them."

Dye applied to eyes
reddit | SaltMineForeman

This dye is honestly kind of incredible. I wonder how long it can make a person's eyes look radioactive for.

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